4단계 BK21 산업경영공학교육연구단 해외석학초빙 세미나

■ 일정

- 일시: 2022.02.11.(금) 14:00 - 16:00

- 연사: Tim Huh 교수(University of British Columbia)

- 주제: Individualized Dynamic Patient Monitoring Under Alarm Fatigue

형태Zoom을 통해 실시간 스트리밍 진행

* 온라인 URL 주소는 참여 대학원생 분들의 메일(포털 등록)로 발송되었으니 확인 부탁드립니다.

■ 내용

Hospitals are rife with alarms, many of which are false. This leads to alarm fatigue, in which clinicians become desensitized and may inadvertently ignore real threats. We develop a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) model for recommending dynamic, patient-specific alarms in which we incorporate a cry-wolf feedback-loop of repeated false alarms. Our model takes into account patient heterogeneity in safety limits for vital signs and learns a patient’s safety limits by performing Bayesian updates during a patient’s hospital stay. We develop structural results of the optimal policy and perform a numerical case study based on clinical data from an intensive care unit (ICU). We find that, compared to current approaches of setting patients’ alarms, our dynamic patient-centered model significantly reduces the risk of patient harm. Joint work with Hossein and Steven Shechter (University of British Columbia) as well as Darren Hudson (University of Alberta).